Category: Words

Don’t think too much

To Friendship

Maybe it’s a solstice. Maybe it’s vaguely your birthday. Maybe it’s a day you feel like disappearing under a pile of tortilla chips and Netflix because your job is frustrating or your heart is ice cubey. But almost every year, like cosmic clockwork, there arrives this unexpected package on your stoop. As you pick it up, you swear you see… Read more →


“Person of the Year” title didn’t go to Danica May Camacho

Time magazine announced its “Person of the Year” today and “The Protester” wins out over all the other people that have greatly influenced this year. I understand what Time is doing; they are trying to go for a cross-cultural and globally resonating figure. I’m somewhat surprised that the “Person of the Year” title didn’t go to Danica May Camacho, the… Read more →

luigi diamanti


by Barbara Jacobson Water drips down his flawless skin; he looks up at the mirror and says to no other vampire but himself, “This is it. Tomorrow, I’m going to ask Julie on a date.” He blindly reaches for the dingy hand towel on the rack and blots his face dry. He huffs as he switches off the light of… Read more →

recaptcha can't read

reCAPTCHA Exploits the Masses

Do you remember a time when CAPTCHA was easy?  For those that don’t know, CAPTCHA is that silly looking word test that you have to complete on a website in order to verify that you are not a robot.  I understood at the time that this simple test was highly effective in fighting spam and helped websites to function properly.… Read more →


Musings on a Law School Life

I.      Embarkation a.     Glimmer hopeful bookish eyes [with a side of romantic endeavoring] b.     Tentative and desperate relationships desperately gel like shipwreck survivors c.     If you were a pirate, your booty would all be lost to gigantic tomes needfully purchased d.     Eighteen highlighters, gigantic thermos[es], the smell of raw naked fear mingled with outlandish cock [-iness] II.     Despair a.     Glinting… Read more →

Work haikus / Hearts in a packet / Road Islands

Part 1 I am waiting for These seven color crystal Balls to grow up – bloom. Hearts in a packet- Don’t eat them. Do compliment Their latest projects. Flowers and gremlins Both need water to expand- The gizmo of life. Candyland mold spore Polly Apfelbaum floor art Pillowy marbles Part 2 “Whatever happens It never gets confused if There is… Read more →

Bus Poem Love Poem

My down coat drank a gallon of snow before the #62 pulled in a half hour late. We sloshed to the back of the bus and sat in seats that faced other seats. Mass Ave was a clogged white artery, so there was time to stare at the gentleman who sat down across from me, with choppy hair and a… Read more →