Category: Susy Jones

Don’t think too much

To Friendship

Maybe it’s a solstice. Maybe it’s vaguely your birthday. Maybe it’s a day you feel like disappearing under a pile of tortilla chips and Netflix because your job is frustrating or your heart is ice cubey. But almost every year, like cosmic clockwork, there arrives this unexpected package on your stoop. As you pick it up, you swear you see… Read more →

Work haikus / Hearts in a packet / Road Islands

Part 1 I am waiting for These seven color crystal Balls to grow up – bloom. Hearts in a packet- Don’t eat them. Do compliment Their latest projects. Flowers and gremlins Both need water to expand- The gizmo of life. Candyland mold spore Polly Apfelbaum floor art Pillowy marbles Part 2 “Whatever happens It never gets confused if There is… Read more →

Bus Poem Love Poem

My down coat drank a gallon of snow before the #62 pulled in a half hour late. We sloshed to the back of the bus and sat in seats that faced other seats. Mass Ave was a clogged white artery, so there was time to stare at the gentleman who sat down across from me, with choppy hair and a… Read more →

Notes from the office relocation, 76

I can’t see any space vehicles, Chain Lightning, or top secret microwaves When I get off the bus in the morning By the defunct air force base and swampy ribbon of high tech buildings, ( I want to call everything “the Don Draper Labs” and from there, “The Don Draper Black Labs” etc.) It is take your daughter to work… Read more →


Send a sample to the Berkeley Labs because I have a heart murmur now, not to mention My lungs are filled with dark romantic dander From the double-pawed posse of calico cats Who warded off sea monsters on trips to New Bedford, In between sleeping and catching fish for snack. Had a hunch Melville was a Leo, too, And so… Read more →

Unrequited, part one (million)

Or it would be totally rad to haunt you in your dreams and in your thoughts when your eyes trip into the fuzzy abyss at the edge of the perfect excel doc you always have open on your perfect desktop; is it so much to ask — just that you feel like a neon lava lamp for me once in… Read more →